boxing day 1

Today in many countries it is Boxing Day. Or as we call it in the U.S., the day after Christmas. Regardless of how you refer to it, the day is pretty much the same everywhere. Retail establishments put on humongous sales. The only people who go to work are those who work for those establishments. And we tend to finish off our Christmas gift giving chores, primarily to those we don’t consider important enough to have given them their’s in time for Christmas.

But like with much of this season both Boxing Day and the day after Christmas is about traditions. Even if your’s is only nursing a hangover. Mine, in case you don’t remember, is enjoying the visual pun of posting pix of hot guys in boxers. I thought I might make a change this year and post pix of hot boxers instead. But then I ran across several in my files of hot guys not wearing their boxers in a traditional sense, so I’ll continue with that theme. Until next year. Enjoy.

boxing day 2

boxing day 3

boxing day 4

boxing day 5

boxing day 6