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Bangkok Bar Boy

Up for You and Up to You

So, you and the male whore you paid for at the gay gogo bar in Bangkok have just left his establishment. What to do, what to do, what to do . . .

How did you get here? With luck, you just finished following my step by step guide for the newbie on negotiating the commercial sex bar boi scene in Bangkok. If not, and you’ve never done this before, you may want to go back and find that post before proceeding. Then, on the other hand, if you and your new friend have already set off on your night’s journey, maybe you didn’t need my help after all!

Unless you hit one of the seedier bars in town, or Jupiter, you probably are not looking for a flop house room for a quickie, but instead are anxious to head back to your hotel. Understandable. But the boi is gonna need his strength for what you have planned. While not a requirement, it’s nice to ask him if he is hungry, He will be. Thai bar bois are always hungry. There are several open air cafes right on Soi Twilight where you will be able to find some white folk food and he’ll find something acceptable to his tastes. Or, out on Suriwong, there are numerous roadside carts offering a huge range of Thai staples, which he’ll be thrilled with and which may cause you to loose a few days of your trip to diarrhea. But the cart food is cheap.

Sated, at least stomach-wise, now you can finally head back to your room.. There are very few hotels in Bangkok that will flat out refuse to allow you to bring back a companion. In fact many not only allow it, they participate by pimping out the room. This is called a joiners fee. It can run between 300 and 800 baht. It is what the hotel charges you for using your room for sex. Hopefully, you registered at one that does not do this. Usually if you book a double room, which costs exactly the same as a single room, even those that charge a joiners fee will waive the charge. Yes, this is Thailand.

Bangkok Male Prostitute

Showering Can Be Fun

So up to, and in to your room. Your immediate inclination will be to strip the dude naked and jump his bones. This is not polite. And you are a filthy farang and need to be deloused first anyway. In any case, before you would be able to even begin, your new friend will have turned the TV on and planted himself in front of it. Chill. Give him some time to adjust. Chat a bit. Or try to. The best way to signal that you are ready for sex (because your throbbing erection isn’t an obvious enough clue) is to go take a shower. You need one anyway. And if you fail to take one, your friend is going to be totally grossed out and refuse to have anything to do with you.

Most Thai guys are shy about their body. Yes, he just spent the first part of his night naked on stage performing sexual acts in front of a hundred strangers, including you, but this is different. So no matter how proud you are of your god given talents, it’s considered rude to come out from your shower wet, naked, and hard. Drape a towel around yourself for god’s sake! If your new friend continues to watch the TV, just say, “shower” and point. He already knew it was his turn and now can not ignore that fact.

He will flood the bathroom while he is in there. And do not be concerned if later you go in and find wet footprints on the toilet seat. If you were smart, you will have laid out a trick toothbrush for his use. If not, he will use yours. His family back home only has one toothbrush and everyone uses it, so it’s no big deal to him. When he has stalled as long as he can, he’ll come out wearing a towel. At this point he would greatly appreciate your turning off all the lights in the room so he can slip into bed with the towel firmly wrapped around his waist. It is time for you to quit being socially sensitive. Strip the boi down, he’ll get over it.

You may want to take pictures of him to post on your Facebook page so all your friends and family can see what you bought in Thailand. Generally, Thai bar bois are not shy about camera usage, but may not want you taking pix that show both their cock and face. Go figure.

Sex will occur in bed. Thais do not understand Westeners’ fascination with using chairs and tables for sexual acts. If you try to spread him out on the table, he will balk. So don’t bother. In bed, you will probably have to take the lead unless you so repulse him that he takes over to get you off as quickly as possible. When you are done, he will want to shower again. Thai guys do not like sperm. They do not like sperm on their body. They do not like lying together cuddling in the afterglow of sex if sperm has touched their skin.

If you pre-negotiated to have your new friend spend the night, he will not want to go to sleep until around 4AM, his normal bedtime. He will want to watch TV until then, preferably a Thai language channel. Take two Excedrin to ward off the headache you will get from the screeching noises coming from your TV. Once the two of you settle down for sleep, he will wrap his body around you and you will experience one of the most incredibly delightful nights of sleep in your entire life.

When your time together is over, it’s time to pay the piper. This is usually done just before he walks out the door. Hand him the amount you’ve decided on. He may or may not count it. He may ask for money for taxi. Up to you. If your tip included some small bills, and wasn’t stingy, there is no reason to add more.

When he goes back to his bar he will tell all of his coworkers all about you. Whether you tipped well, fed him, asked him to perform disgusting acts that he refused to do, how big you belly was, how small your cock was, and the funny noises you made when you finally came. Thai bar bois love to gossip. If you go back to his bar again, within the next 10 years, he will immediately latch on to you. You are his customer. If you want a different boi he will pout and cry. Wanting variety is called being a butterfly. Thai bar bois don’t like butterflies. It’s not that he likes you, even though he told you he loves you. It’s that Thai bar bois like money. Unless you fell in love, you’d probably be better advised to hit a different bar next time. Besides, there are a few 100 bar bois in Bangkok for you to try out. Go for it.

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