
Huh. I have a dream that one day all men will be equal too.

Huh. I have a dream that one day all men will be equal too.

Today is Martin Luther King Day in the U.S., one of those odd federal holidays that few outside of government workers get off. It’s not a popular holiday. Although I assume this year with the right-wing nut clown car brigade having taken over Congress they’ll be holding a major celebration in D.C. Like maybe a large bonfire. Or some other similar event to prove you can in fact where white after Labor Day.

MLK Day 1

I don’t think they were very sincere about establishing a day to honor Dr. King in the first place. January is not the best choice for a three-day weekend. MLK Day would be much more widely celebrated if it was in August. We need a long holiday weekend in August. And then I Can’t Breathe would refer to all the beer and barbeque you just ingested instead of as a rallying cry against the racial injustice that still permeates our land.

MLK Day 2

Dr. King’s I Have Dream speech is right up there with Four Score And Seven Years Ago in the hierarchy of great political speeches, possibly even greater since it didn’t include any math. And it beats A Day That Will Live In Infamy because FOX News co-opted that one to celebrate President Obama’s first inauguration. As for Teddy Roosevelt’s advice to Walk Softly And Carry A Big Stick, rumor has it Dr. King had that one covered too. Which is always something to celebrate. So enjoy your day.

MLK Day 3

MLK Day 4

MLK Day 5

MLK Day 6

MLK Day 7