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Today in the US of A is Veterans Day, another one of those holidays that no longer has quite the same effect it once did. Which is odd since thanks to Dick Cheney’s never ending pursuit of profits we now have more veterans than ever before. Coming just weeks before a holiday that promises copious amounts of food and even more copious amounts of alcohol, the day we’ve set aside to honor those who have served in our armed forces is poorly planned. Vetrans Day would be a more popular holiday if it was moved to August. Instead it’s a cold weather holiday which doesn’t lend itself well to barbecues, beer, and hangovers, the holiday trifecta preferred by Americans for all holiday celebrations. Instead most use the day off to prepare for the coming winter. And to get a start on their Xmas holiday shopping. Our vets really deserve better. Though most would probably be just as happy if the holiday was scrapped in favor of other minor forms of honoring their efforts on our country’s behalf. Like not taking three years to process their VA claims.

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Many of our vets today are gay. Or lesbian. Not that there wasn’t always a large contingent of gay servicemen, it’s just now they can tell whether asked or not. Like their straight brethren, they too would undoubtedly prefer obtaining their VA benefits quickly over the rest of the country getting a paid day off from work. Most would also undoubtedly prefer being able to legally marry the person they love. Or not be fired from the minimum wage job they managed to land once back on American soil again because of that love. Huh. Maybe next year they’ll have something to celebrate on Veterans Day.

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Everybody loves a man in uniform (except, of course the aforementioned lesbians). Everybody loves a man out of his uniform even more. So I’ll celebrate Veterans Day as I do all holidays by posting some pix of a little bit of the former and a lot of the latter. I’d just go with pure naked flesh instead, but then this post would have nothing to do with our boys in uniform. It’d be just like any other day. Kinda like Veterans Day is.

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