

gay pride male ass

Just another reason for pride.

blake In this week’s naked Olympian news, Blake Skjellerup is getting a jump on the rest of the 2014 Winter Olympic hotties with his skin-filled spread in GT Magazine. And some of France’s hottest Olympic swimmers strip down and pair off for a anti-homophobia campaign. Now that’s something Ryan Lochte wouldn’t do.

soi twilight After almost a six month hiatus, one of my favorite bloggers, Guttersnipe Das, is finally back at it and has posted a not-so-familiar tale about Soi Twilight, though at least one of the characters may be immediately familiar to you.

moneyboy Meanwhile Farangbang’s latest entry, Is Your New Boyfriend A Moneyboy? should help if you really can’t figure it out on your own. Though I always thought it was a question of how much not if.

caffeine!!!!! Giving proof to why you should never mess with me before I’ve had my first cup of joe in the morning, coffee withdrawal is now listed as an official mental illness. Does this mean I can park in the handicap stalls at Starbucks?

You're not in kansas anymore Dorothy Not The Nation has a harrowing article about a touri family who took a stroll on Sukhumvit and ended up lost somewhere in the Middle East.

Filthy Geography If Bangkok makes you titter, and mispronouncing Phuket makes you guffaw, then you’ll greatly appreciate these Filthy Geography names and places. Huh. I think I know who lives in Twat, Scotland.

bedtime story As popular as they seem to be I’ve never understood the attraction in fake celebrity nudes; poor photoshopping just doesn’t do it for me. Coupled with a sexy retelling of your favorite fairy tales is a different story. ‘Cuz now we’re talking Zac Efron getting finger fucked by the Big Bad Wolf. Felebs: Hot Bedtime Stories might just give you a reason to head to bed. Or at least will stop your siblings from asking you to read their kids a bedtime story.

gay baby In the question of nurture versus nature, 4-month-old baby Nathan Reynolds decides to go with a life filled with rainbows in this cute story covering the eternal and internal debate.

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