
Being magnanimous in victory is the hallmark of a good winner. But then that’s never something I’ve ever aspired to be.

Of course I would never gloat over my 100% perfect score in predicting the outcome of presidential elections, but I told ya so. Being right was almost as heart warming as watching Karl Rove on FOX News trying to convince the world that Mitt could still take Ohio, even though even FOX had already declared Obama the winner. And that was almost as heart warming as hearing that Michele Bachmann lost her seat too.

If you didn’t get the opportunity to watch President Obama’s victory speech, you missed out on hearing the first U.S. President in the history of our country include gays in his vision for the future of our nation. Between that and Colorado voting to legalize marijuana, it was a momentous night.

But there is a balance to the universe, and when you need to look for evil to counter the good, the great state of Texas will always step up to the plate. Maybe it’s time we just gave Texas back to Mexico. Voters elected Ted Cruz, a tea party candidate, to the Senate. Ted is so vehemently anti-gay you have to wonder what’s up with that. He villainized his opponent for appearing at a gay pride parade while serving as mayor of Dallas, and then served Chick-fil-A at his election party after taking to Twitter to thank Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum for their support. Needless to say, he is against gay rights, gay marriage, gays serving in the military, and he hates rainbows too.

Yes, that is the sound of your gaydar pinging.

Already the pundits on FOX are drooling over Teddy, championing him as the next great Republican party hope largely because besides out-crazing the crazies he’s Latino. They are already willing to throw my future husband Marco Rubio under the bus for no better reason than Ted is a whiter shade of pale; there is no reason for the Republicans to not support a Latino, as long as he doesn’t look like one.

Now you may think it is too early for me to be getting on my soap box over a candidate who will have to wait another four years before he can attempt to fulfill his potential. And I’d agree with you. But that is not the purpose of this post. Fresh off a successful political prediction, I’m ready to go two for two and predict that Ted Cruz will be the next Republican to be taken down in a gay scandal. Tom or Ted, Cruise or Cruz. those boys just invite the gay rumors to fly.

I have to wonder why the GOP doesn’t run their candidates past the Log Cabin Republicans first and put their gaydar to work. Not that you’d need working gaydar to finger a man who makes Marcus Bachmann look straight. More damning however is that Ted’s largest longtime contributor is gay billionaire Peter Thiel, a German-born hedge fund manager and founder of the online payment system PayPal who supports both same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization. Thiel gave the maximum allowable contribution to Ted’s primary race, and then through his super PAC contributed another $6 million for his run for the senate. And you thought financing your bar boy’s lifestyle was expensive.

Thiel, an early Facebook investor who was portrayed by actor Wallace Langham in the movie The Social Network, is obviously no dummy when it comes to business. Whether he is so rich he can afford to back a politician who goes out of his way to fight against gay rights, or there is something deeper going on between the two is unknown. But any Tea Party politician who cozies up to a socially liberal gay man, even if it is just for the money, has got to be suspect. Damn politicians gives whores a bad name.

My money is on Ted’s money shot, which should be showing up on Grindr any day now. Just remember when you hear the news that you read it here first. And I’ll keep you apprised on how I’m doing with making Marco Rubio the first openly gay republican presidential candidate.