

nude dude

Playing strip soccer can be a bitch.

Someone finally leaks the answer to the ultimate Olympic question.

The folks over at SBNation are tracking the medal results of London’s LGBT athletes. Not that there are any Ts competing that I know of, but then again . . .

With a new story accompanying Danell Leyva’s naked iPhone pix out this week, I had a momentary scare the boy played for the wrong team. This video has laid those nasty rumors to rest – watching him go au naturale ain’t bad either!

I’m waiting for the ultimate Olympic sport to debut: Angry Birds

Sure it’s frustrating to be able to only find fixed fare taxis around Patpong late at night, but they are still cheap and the entertainment value of their dashboard shrines almost make the price worth it. “Still Life In Moving Vehicles” is a pictorial blog that documents these uniquely Thai travelling religious tableaus, as well as scenes of the Kingdom seen from a moving car. I swear I’ve ridden in a few of these taxis.

The tiny Polynesian island nation of Tuvalu was awarded the .tv internet domain address, and promptly sold it for $50 million (I learned that and that they have flying Farangs in England too from watching the Olympic opening ceremony). Nothing sucks worse than finally getting around to having a web presence and discovering someone beat you to the ;perfect name. Then you have to quickly come up with something else. Here’s some advice: take a moment and print it out first to see how it reads or the visitors Google sends your way may not be the kind of people you really want to associate with.

Nonnegotiable prices, McDoubles for $1 while strawberries cost $7, never having to pay a bribe, and that we actually have an accepted piece of clothing called a ‘wife-beater’. We often scratch out heads over the things we run across in Thailand, here’s what visitors to the US find unfathomable about us.

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