

I guess you could say I have an oral fixation. Which, as a gay man, ain’t necessarily a bad thing. Come to think of it, that wouldn’t make for a bad t-shirt slogan either. Depending on the crowd. I’m not sure if I’d be man enough to wear that shirt at a lesbian convention. But that’s – partially – my point. My mouth often gets me into trouble. And not always the good kind. Think twice, speak once are wise words. But difficult to put into action when your mouth has already started moving before your brain manages to process that thought. Put a sock in it are wise words too. But then being a gay man, when a foreign object is required to gag oneself, there are better options available than socks. Especially if they’re large enough to engage your gag reflex.

But my oral fixation has more to do with words than foreign objects; it’s about talking story as they say back in the islands. If not, I’d probably be considered a size queen. Instead I’m just jealous of those whose talents are bigger than mine when it comes to the written word. And one of those is Guttersnipe Das, a blogger who I’ve recommended in the past. It’s been far too long since he updated his blog, but he finally got off the pot and did so again. Recently At Orgies is one of his latest offerings. Outside of questioning just who it is that would bring a pair of binoculars to an orgy, with this story as with many of his, I’m never quite sure if he’s writing metaphorically or what. But he always makes me laugh.

For now, I’ll provide his opening paragraph as a teaser; clicking through to the full post is well worth your time.

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Recently, At Orgies

Recently at orgies I’ve become one of the peripheral people. One of those ravenous middle-aged lugs straining forward shamelessly to get a scrap of what’s on offer. For years I was one of the dreary stars, grappling with the gods at the center, shoving away hands, amazed and annoyed that, every time I wanted to have sex, a crowd of people showed up. Don’t get me wrong, I was never one of the gods but — I was often slated to position of chief devotee. I had access, understand.

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