

nude asian dude

Cute on both ends.

Sex As a Tourist Attraction There are travel bloggers who love Soi Twilight’s sex shows and travel bloggers who despise everything about them. The latter often come off as being too prissy, too sanctimonious, and too busy making uninformed snap judgements. Jeremy Helligar’s tale of his visit to the soi, Hot Males: Sex As a Tourist Attraction, is not a ringing endorsement, but avoids the typical, “Oh! The Horror!” reaction in favor of noting “If you’ve seen 12 condom-covered penises dangling in front of you, you’ve pretty much seen them all.”

honking fun 12 Cleverly Offensive License Plates is a clever look a personalized license plates that managed to slip past the censors.

soundless windchime I’ve linked to gay short films on YouTube before, but have steered clear of full-length movies for a variety of reasons. This link is only to the trailer of one Asian queer flick, so that may not change but there are a lot of good gay movies out there you may not have heard of so I thought I’d start pointing you toward a few in my End of the Week posts. Elegant and moving, Soundless Wind Chime, tells the story of a young mainland Chinese man whose Swiss lover in Hong Kong dies, whereupon he goes on a journey to Switzerland and meets another man with an all too familiar face. If the trailer sparks your interest, you can be a good citizen and buy the DVD. Or find a pirated version on-line to download for free like the rest of us.

soundles deleted If you’ve already seen Soundless Wind Chime, you’ll probably enjoy this four and a half minute deleted shaving scene, posted on YouTub by the film’s director. Actually, even if you haven’t seen the movie, you’ll probably enjoy the clip.

facebook At first glance 7 Reasons Why You Should Friend Cambodian Women On Facebook might not look like your cup of tea (since the handle is missing from the teapot) but replace ‘Cambodian Women’ with ‘Thai Guys’ and it is just as true. And hilarious to boot.

balls of rice This week’s NSFW Tumblr link does have lots of hot pix of naked Asian guys, plus some who are not (Asian, not not hot) but gets my nod for its name: Balls of Rice.

asia 73 Reasons You Should Live In Asia At Least Once didn’t include cheap sex on its list, but if you live in Pattaya it does include 73 reasons you probably never considered before.

visa runs As a touri it’s never been a concern of mine, but the Ultimate Thai VISA Guide provides a great look at your options for cheap visa runs from Bangkok if you are in need of extending your stay legally.

bali hi Since I began providing links to NSFW Tumblrs I’ve been remiss in covering other websites filled with pix of Asian hotties. Which I’ll now rectify. Ten Chunk’s blog is always good for a stroke or two and his Indonesian Gogo Boys post should warm the cockles of your heart. And may help you decide a quick visit to Bali is in order.

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