
VD #1

In the U.S., today is Veterans Day , a annual federal holiday that few workers get off and few American’s bother to celebrate. It’s the day of the year the government has set aside to honor those who have served in the country’s armed services, as opposed to Memorial Day, which is the day set aside to honor those who served in the country’s armed services as one of their last acts in life. Unlike most federal holidays in the U.S., which are celebrated on a Monday, thereby honoring the masses with a three-day weekend (which might explain why those holidays are more popular) Veterans Day is always held on the 11th of November, because it also marks the anniversary of the end of World War I (although I’m not sure if World War I was called World War I until after we had World War II).

VD #2

Nonetheless, most who work for the federal government, or hold pseudo-governmental jobs like those who work for the post office, get today off. That would include Department of Veterans Affairs employees, although you’d think a better way for them to honor those who have served in the armed forces would be to put a dent in the backlog of claims. I mean other than destroying veterans’ medical files in a systematic attempt to eliminate backlogged claims. ‘Cuz they’ve already done that to celebrate Veterans Day the last three years. No problemo. Baskin-Robbins is celebrating the day by offering camouflage ice cream. And, as usual, I’m celebrating the day by posting pix of hot male flesh, in and out of those uniforms we all love.

VD #3

VD #4

VD #5

naked veteran

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