
hot naked indian #1

Today is Columbus Day in the U.S. Or it was until the politically correct got their hands on the holiday and decided to call it Discoverer’s Day instead. Or it was until the even more politically correct chimed in and decided we should be celebrating Indigenous People’s Day, which is all fine and good but doesn’t make for a very festive parade. Even worse, that means that poem I learned in second grade – in fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue – is no longer of any use and it’s the only thing I did manage to learn in second grade.

hot naked indian #2

Usually to celebrate any holiday I post pix of appropriately naked hot male flesh, ‘cuz naked hot male flesh is appropriate for any holiday. So maybe it’s just as good that Christopher is no longer the focal point for his day ‘cuz there’s not a lot of naked Italians financially supported by Spanish royalty floating around the net. In the end, it turns out Columbus didn’t discover America, but was just a typical man who would not stop and ask for directions; his goal wasn’t finding a new world to plunder but rather a quicker route to the Far East to spice up Spain’s royal coffers.

hot naked indian #3

So Chris no longer gets props for America’s discovery, but does still get the credit for deciding the indigenous people he found there should be called Indians (putting a spin on his wayward travels, he tried to convince everyone back home he’d found the Indies) and since Google does a lot better of a job at searching for naked Indians than it does naked Italians traveling on Spanish funding – even if it too heads for the wrong continent – I give you Bangkokbois’ salute to whatever in the hell the holiday is that we are supposed to be celebrating today:

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hot naked indian #10

 And just to make sure you don't forget: why kabaddi needs to become an Olympic sport.

And just to make sure you don’t forget: why kabaddi needs to become an Olympic sport.

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