

naked asian ass

Damn. Now I gotta go take that How Many Boners Have You Had? quiz again.

It seems this week that the world’s male celebrities are fighting back for not being included in that recent hack that exposed a few thousand female celebrities’ iCloud nudies, so enjoy this special End of the Week Famous Nut, Butt, and Penis edition:

affleck penis Ebola and the troubles in the Middle East took a back seat to the real news of the week: Ben Affleck’s penis’ cameo role in his new movie Gone Girl. Shame that it is even getting top billing over his ass, which also makes its movie debut. It’s a small part, but if you plan on seeing the flick during its opening weekend, which you probably now are, here’s How to See Ben Affleck’s Penis in Gone Girl. Or you could search on Tumblr ‘cuz it probably has been posted several hundred times by now.

boy band nuts Since none of the guys from 5 Seconds of Summer dropped trou for the cameras this week, ex-boy bander Nick Jonas decided to – ala Marky Mark – to promote his new television show in which he may or may not play a gay character (ass crack or not, I’m betting may not).

feeling nuts Ya knew it wouldn’t take long for some other charity to knock-off the ever popular ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and fortunately it’s for testicular cancer awareness. Officially the challenge is known as Feeling Nuts, unofficially as Grab Your Crotch, which explains what’s involved. So far, Hugh Jackman is the, um, biggest celebrity to take part, but it will undoubtedly quickly spread ‘cuz it’s a good charity and because what man doesn’t enjoy playing with himself? The plus is that unlike with the Ice Bucket Challenge, only male celebrities will be participating. Well, except for Donatella Versace.

aussie nuts And speaking of cause-worthy celebrity nuts, Aussie footballer Thomas Burgess had his balls waxed for a bikini-wax fundraiser benefiting cancer research this week, which just sounds so much more charitable than simply posting nude selfies like his twin brother George did.

french nuts And speaking of famous rugby stars playing with their balls, the most recent edition of the Dieux du Stade calendar is out, showcasing some of France’s hottest athletes in the nude, including Nikola Karabatic and his little bro Luke, both who are handballers. For a good reason from the looks of things.

american nuts And speaking of athletic nuts, U.S. Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps picked up his second DUI arrest this week ‘cuz there just ain’t that much to do between Olympic Games other than drinking and playing with your nuts. Nonetheless, let’s not forget Michael took it all off for ESPN Magazine’s 2014 Body Issue.

hot buns And speaking of meat that makes you drool, a Danish burger joint, Hot Buns, puts a new spin on Burger King’s Have It Your Way slogan by offering sex toys as a side. And yes, you will want to super-size that Happy Meal.

sweet asian guys And speaking of meat that’s a bit on the rare side, the guys on this week’s NSFW Tumblr link, Sweet Asian Guys, may not be celebrities but each is a star in his own right. If you like twinks

computing dick All of which probably skews the bell curve in the highly scientific quiz How Many Boners Have You Had? that computes just how many times you’ve been happy over your life time.

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