


Know how to tell the difference between a dead cat and fish?
Don’t worry about it, none of my lesbian friends knows either . . .

What would you do if while eating a sausage you found part of a dead cat’s body inside?

If you are North Korean, you’d send your compliments to the chef.
If you are British, you’d eat it anyway because you’ve had worse from your local Burger King.
If you are from Tennessee you’d get pissed over being gypped by having only gotten part of the cat.
And if you are a lesbian you’d immediately sink your life savings into a massive purchase of lottery tickets because it’s obviously the luckiest day of your life.
But if you are Thai, you’d take a more Buddhist-like approach to the discovery . . .

Late last week, Krod Yotchomrang, a 52-year-old native of Satuk in the Buriram province, says she and her family were enjoying a meal of foot-long sausages bought from a local market when, like with eating a box of Cracker Jack, they found an unexpected surprise. “I was cutting the third sausage when I noticed what looked like a small cat,” Mrs. Krod said.

Ignoring that eating hot dogs and sausages is a lot like eating pussy – it’s better to not know what you are eating has been filled with – Yotchomrang took a closer look and saw its eyes, nose, and a chunk of cat hair. “We almost threw up when we realized we were eating the body of a kitten for dinner,” she said.

Which begs the question: How many calories do you get from eating pussy?
It depends on which way she wipes.

dead cat 2

It also begs the question of what then does it take eating to make a Thai actually throw up?

Considering the surprise delicacy as food for thought, after her family finished their meal Mrs. Krod set up a small shrine in her home, placed the kitten’s body on it, and began burning incense and praying before it. Because this is Thailand and what else would you do with a lucky dead kitten you found in your dinner? Word of the family Krod’s good fortune quickly spread and neighbors began flocking to the family’s mew shrine to share in their new-found luck.

“Several of them won money on the lottery playing the number 52”, her age, Yotchomrang said. (The two-digit winning number for the March 16 lottery draw was in fact 52).

The lottery winnings, of course, are what makes this story newsworthy; the event otherwise is business as usual in Thailand as reports are that customers of the ladyboy bars in Nana Plaza often luck out and discover a pussy in the foot-long they thought they’d been purchasing too.

(Mahalos to Robert for forwarding this story to me.
Dude, you are the cat’s meow!
I hope I did you proud . . .

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