

No one expects Thai bar boys to be angels. Until one of them done you wrong.

No one expects Thai bar boys to be angels. Until one of them done you wrong.

Invariably, when you read a disgruntled farang’s tale of woe about a bar boy who done him wrong, the farang enumerates all of the dastardly tricks the boy played on him while also telling of all the kind acts of generosity and love the farang made on the boy’s behalf. Kind acts of generosity and love that never seem to include mention of the numerous, long sessions of being sexually serviced by what was probably a straight man. And invariably the farang in making sure you understand each and every one of the boy’s faults while reminding you of the farang’s trusting and good-hearted nature gives himself a pass for being taken in by the boy’s deviousness and greed by explaining that he thought the boy was a good Buddhist. So here’s today’s shot of reality: Thais Are Buddhists Not The Buddha.

Most Westerner only have a vague idea of what Buddhism is and what the religion teaches. They give a nod toward Karma – which works instantly in the western mind – know that reincarnation means you were probably royalty in some past life, and have a hazy recollection about something to do with Buddhists not killing bugs. Fair enough. Many Westerners are a bit foggy on just what Christianity is and what that religion teaches too. Especially those who like to call themselves a Christian.

Mot Westerners don’t know that there are many different types of Buddhism, or that the brand generally practiced in Thailand is pro-bug killing. But they assume with all the wats in Thailand, and with saffron-robed monks running all over the place, the populace is heavily religiously oriented. And they’re right. Religion does play an important role in the daily life of the Thai people. It just has little to do with the teachings of the Buddha. That your local wat is one of the best places to find lucky numbers for this week’s lottery is probably not exactly what The Buddha had in mind. The fact is that most Buddhist are no more Buddha-like than those who enjoy telling you they are a Christian are in anyway Christ-like.

Though they are easily confused by sex touri, believe it or not, this is not a Thai temple.

Though they are easily confused by sex touri, believe it or not, this is not a Thai temple.

No problemo. Other than as a bit of local color and the occasional frustration when a religious holiday dries up the flow of liquor at their favorite gogo bar, the locals’ religious beliefs don’t really come into play for the typical sex-oriented touri. At least not until they fall in lust with a local lad, wake up one day to discover their bank account drained, and then feel they ended up with the short end of the sick. And not the stick they’d been drooling over. Then, all of a sudden, Buddhism too is to blame. Both as a faulty religion and as an ideal their boy special failed to live up to. Because a good Buddhist would never treat a fellow human being in the manner the poor, naive, but well-meaning farang and his wallet have been treated.

That’s perfectly understandable. The farang, after all, met his boy in what he considered a temple built in honor of the gods the farang worships. And rumor has it that Jesus hung around with a prostitute, so at least as a Christian, he’s in good standing. It’s just a shame the farang wasn’t more familiar with the biblical quote about rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Because while that was probably not meant as an euphemism about paying a sex worker his due, the average Thai bar boy is well versed in the rendering part. And rendering is what a relationship with a farang is all about.

When you enter into a relationship with a Thai bar boy, it’s an unholy alliance unless you both understand what it is the other guy wants out of that relationship. Which has nothing to do with either person’s religious beliefs. The farang wants love, companionship, and sex. Lots of sex. The Thai wants to be taken care of, both emotionally and financially. Lots of financially. And taking care of the boy means taking care of his family too. When both do their part, the relationship works. When either begins to balk, thinking he’s being taken advantage of, problems ensue. And while it is then easy to point fingers and claim someone got scammed, the truth is it is usually a case of failing to understand the other guy’s needs, expectations, and culture. Which usually happens as the initial bloom fails and the boy is less interested in providing sex and the farang less willing to continue his financial support. Those damn Buddhists!

Regardless of religious beliefs, Thai men have their vices too. Just like you do.

Regardless of religious beliefs, Thai men have their vices too. Just like you do.

There are good Buddhist who endeavor to live their life as the Buddha taught, just like their are good Christians who try to live up to the teachings of Jesus. There are many more, on both side of the religious divide, who pay but lip service to their religious beliefs. Neither of the former probably spends much time in Thailand’ gogo bars and happy ending manage shops. You may think you found heaven the first time you walk into a gogo bar filled with naked hunks, but don’t mistake that religious experience with anything having to do with the religion practiced by those hunks. And when your relationship with one of those hunks ends up on the rocks, don’t blame Buddhism or claim your own innocence and lack of culpability on your mistaken belief that your boy wouldn’t act like that because he was a Buddhist. “Cuz that’s not what Jesus would do.

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