
After months of foreplay and weeks of stroking, The London Olympics finally reached its climax and had a happy ending. The good news is the Winter Games just don’t do much for me; the only bulges are on the luge athletes and that’s about rolls of fat not fatties of Olympic rowers. So you’re safe from Olympic coverage from me for another three and a half years. Though you may want to start planning accordingly, I’ve decided to attend next time around ‘cuz Rio is a wild and crazy town that should make the 2016 Games extreme to the max. I’ve got time (a bit) to work out the logistics but I seem to remember it’s easy for a Thai to visit Brazil so I’m thinking of taking Noom along. Even though that is like carrying coals to Newcastle.

Of more immediate interest (to me) is seeing how many new readers stick around now that the Olympics are over. It seems having the keywords ‘bulge’ and ‘gay’ paired up with any Olympic athlete does wonders for driving folks to your blog from Google. During the two+ weeks the Games were underway there were over 300,000 page hits on my blog with a new record of 31,500 visitors on August 1. Channing Tatum’s penis finally met its match in a hunky little Cuban boy in tights. NBC may have thought the interest was in the competitions and who won a medal but Google says the world wanted to know who might be gay and who had the best bulge in London.

That is gonna be a much more difficult call in Brazil. Even before the Olympians hit town. And I couldn’t think of a better way to wrap up the XXX Games than to post a taste of what Rio has to offer. See ya in 2016!

[‘The XXX Games’ are a series of posts about hot Olympians, gay competitors – both present and past – and general articles about the 2012 London Olympics of interest to gay men. So, yeah, lots of hot male eye candy. Click the XXX Games graphic below for additional news, stories, and pictures.]