
muscle guy

Before choking to death on a sandwich and depriving the world of the melodic voice of a fat chantreuse who didn’t do opera, Mama Cass sang, “Monday, Monday, so good to me . . .”

And this year Mondays are gonna be so good for you too. It’s the day of the week I’ll be featuring a photo post of a muscle boy. I love guys with muscle. And I love making love to their muscles, too. If you ever want to tap a straight guy, just head to your local gym and hit on the dude with the muscle bound body. Okay, chances are he is gay and not straight – not that there is anything wrong with that – but even the straight ones will quickly drop to their knees after just a few compliments. Granted, many of them are on steroids and so suffer from small dick syndrome, but that just means the general rule of ‘who has the smaller dick gets to bottom’ comes into play. And there is nothing sweeter than bouncing on a butt made of steel.

Um, where was I?

Oh, yeah. Mondays. This year on Mondays – though for me that’d be every day of the week – I’ll be posting shots of guys with muscular physiques. Um, actually most days will feature a photo of a guy with a muscular physique. Mondays’ will be just a bit more muscle bound than usual.