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buddhist monk luang prabang

This is one of those photographs I like more than it deserves. It’s got all of the visual elements that attract me, but it engages me more than it should. It’s from a wat in Luang Prabang. We were sitting in the shade of the temple on a hot afternoon, watching a local wedding celebration across the street. BTW, Laotians and Cambodians dance exactly the same. Which isn’t a compliment. They make white people look like they have rhythm.

The wat’s monks were coming and going and paying us no attention. I’d turn and snap off a few pix of a monk every now and then. The bright sunshine made the buildings’ white stucco blinding and the shadows dense and devoid of substance. Not the best conditions for photography. I didn’t expect any of those shots to amount to much. And this one is not much. Yet it’s still one of my favorite from the trip. If I ever figure out why, I’ll let ya know.