


guttersnipe: 1. a street urchin, a person of low breeding. 2. a gatherer of refuse from street gutters.
das: (Sanskrit)1. servant, slave, devotee .

Yup, time again for a post under Criticism, Critiques, and Claps. You’ll undoubtedly be disappointed to know this time around I have positive comments, and a Tip of The Hat Award to bestow on a blogger. Actually I’m running one to one on blogger posts, but the power of the snark knight got all the press. Go figure.

I’m not sure how I ran across Guttersnipe Das’ blog, but I’m enthralled with his writing. Awed, jealous, envious, humbled, and greatly appreciative that I get to read his posts. For free. A blog that uses the tag line ‘Hymns and Homosex. Fantasies and Fabriculae. Stories, Essays, Prose Poems and Assorted Devotions,’ has got to be interesting, and Guttersnipe delivers on that promise with musings and stories from around the eastern hemisphere.

He’s got a great eye and ear for the locales he visits, and the talent to communicate with descriptive copy that expertly paints a vivid picture of the setting and the people he introduces you to. Some posts are lengthy, others an exercise in brevity. I am amazed at how he can write a short paragraph that tells a long tale, taking you on an unexpected emotional journey. Naturally. Guttersnipe never hits a false note; he writes with a degree of honesty seldom seen in internet blogging.

Currently he’s blogging about Tibet, but has covered Thailand in the past and his posts regarding the Land of Smiles are a joy to read. This link will take you to one of them, Visitors to Soi Twilight:


If I have it right, his Thailand journeys are mostly covered under the category Three-Coin Prose, posted during 2008 and 2009. But Bangkok crops up in other places, too. It’s worth the hunt for those posts, the entries you’ll find along the way will amuse and entertain you.

You may not be interested in everything he posts, he frequently reviews books that help personalize his life’s journey. You may only be interested in his Thai-centric musings. If so, you’ll be doing yourself a disservice by passing up on some of his little gems of insight into the human condition like:

Why is it so seldom acknowledged that one is disliked more for one’s good fortune than one’s bad behavior?

My first draft of this post offered several cut and paste examples from Guttersnipe’s blog. The problem with that approach is that I kept remembering more and more beautifully written entries; soon my post started being a copy of his blog. But I hate when someone tells you about how great a site is or how interesting an article is and then just posts a link. I’m lazy. I don’t want to have to click. I’d prefer you just post the entire article and save me that effort.

But a well written blog is like a journey, a fantastic trip, a holiday in a foreign land. Half the fun is finding your own way, stumbling upon the unexpected, the enjoyment of a new discovery without previously knowing it was waiting for you to find. So as tempting as it is to provide you with a few more examples of why I’m so enamored with this guy’s blog, I’ll let you take your own journey of discovery. And hope yours is as fulfilling as mine has been.

Tip of the Hat Award Winner: Guttersnipe Das

Tip of the Hat Award Winner: Guttersnipe Das