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Bao Bao's Blog is Boring

A typical reaction to Bao Bao's posts

OK, time to put this puppy on the map. And today’s bitch slap . . . the very first in the history of this blog, goes to Bao Bao’s Blog, a masterful example of trite, cliche ridden writing by a closeted blogger who never met a heart string he didn’t feel the need to pull.  Usually I’d  include a link to whatever blog or forum I’m slamming. But in this case it’d be akin to passing along a STD to a complete stranger. And that just ain’t right. So if your masochistic needs require it, Google it.

Boo Hoo’s blog is a saccharine load of crap, hypocritical to a fault, and loaded with pedophile wanna be musings. Thai Smiles? How about the more honest “Scrawny Teens Guys I Took Photos Of, Most Showing Off As Much Skin As Possible”. Boo Hoo fills his blog with entries about his favorite intersection in Bangkok, never mentioning any of the guys he’s paid to help him attempt to reach an orgasm. Make no mistake about it, Boo Hoo is a sex tourist. He occasionally forgets he is in denial and mentions the word ‘massage’ in passing, or throws out the ‘bar’ word while on a different subject. But an actual post regarding any of what I’m sure are numerous experiences with sex workers in Thailand? Nope. Not a one.

Boo Hoo is not a sex tourist you say? Really? Let’s see: Old guy, numerous trips to Thailand each year- and not for business –  spends a good part of each trip in Pattaya. Hello? No one goes to Pattaya for the beach. The city has a singular draw: commercial sex.

But I have no problem with sex tourists. The Thais don’t, so why should I? What I do have a problem with is dishonesty and hypocrisy. Especially when it stems from someone who thinks they are on the same moral level as Mother Theresa. A while back Boo Hoo posted a piece juxtaposing the plight of a bum homeless person sleeping on the sidewalk with the touri who were staying at the 5,000 baht a night hotels nearby. Oh the Horror! The Inhumanity! Right. Of course Saint Boo Hoo instead stays at 900 baht a night properties, so that’s OK. Being cheap evidently is one of the steps on your way to sainthood. So did Boo Hoo slip a thousand baht note into the bum’s pocket? Nope, instead, ignoring the even smallest amount of respect we owe our fellow man, he took a picture of the guy. With his $800 camera. Now finding a filthy bum sleeping on the streets is not difficult in Bangkok. And I take their pix, too. So I’m not faulting Boo Hoo for that. But to then call down condemnation on others for daring to stay at a nice hotel? Hypocrisy at its finest.

Khun Boo Hoo also likes to pepper his posts with Thai words and phrases. The ones you find in every guidebook on Thailand. Pretentious. Especially when he undoubtedly learned the Khun moniker watching the Big Cock shows on Soi Twilight. Boo Hoo, when you are capable of carrying on an hour long conversation in Thai, then feel free to use the language in your posts. It’ll still be pretentious, but at least then it won’t also be asinine.

Boo Hoo also is a frequent poster on the gay Thailand boards. Seldom initiating a thread, he’s always willing to weigh in with his sage and sanctimonious thoughts. These posts are amazing examples of passive-aggressiveness. And with a roll of the eyes, we move on.

I’d like to think Boo Hoo is at least half as nice and moral as a person as he seems to think he is. But his true colors  invariably shine through his saccharine prose. I can’t tell you how often he’s mentioned that he always makes sure to bring small presents from home for his prostitutes friends. Because he is a giving kind of guy? Nope. Because, “it always pays off”. Yup, Boo Hoo, that’s the true spirit of giving – the expectation of what you will then receive in exchange.

The sad thing is Boo Hoo is a prolific poster. When he is not being sickenly sweet, morally superior, or attempting to demonstrate how Thai he can be, his posts can be enjoyable. He provides that little taste of Thailand you need until your next trip. Those posts are in the minority, however, while those that make me either cringe with embarrassment for him, or just want to make me puke,  pop up almost daily.

Boo Hoo loves Thailand. So do I. Boo Hoo finds even the simplest daily activities of the Thai people extraordinarily interesting and fascinating. So do I. Boo Hoo likes to go to Thailand and get his rocks off. So Do I. You’d have a fan if you could just stop trying to pull the wool over your readers’ eyes. I just hope for your sake, you don’t actually believe your own press. Just once I’d like to see a post about the 3.5  minutes it took you to get off during your last massage parlor visit. Or a caption on one of those pictures you post of boys stating, “this is the guy who fucked me last night”. Then I’d be willing to forgive the rest of the crap you pile up and call a blog.

 ** Just popped into Boo Hoo’s blog before posting this and, in his own words, I found this: “This may sound like the whining of a small child”. Uh, yes, Boo Hoo, it does. And thanks for so aptly summing up your blog for us!

Turtle Ass Award

Turtle Ass Award Winner: Bao Bao's Blog