

nude male ass

That’s a beautiful beauty mark.

happy monks In a completely different kind of Monk Shot!, photos of two novice monks engaged in anal sex have gone viral on Twitter in Thailand. Guess PM Prayuth’s plan to bring happiness back to the Thai people is finally working.

gay queeries You’d think 24 Questions Gay Men Need To Answer Immediately coming from breeders would have more to do with the how or even why, but instead they just come across as being jealous.

no no nanette The most homophobic countries in the world. Or where not to spend your next vacation.

leto dick From the look of things – things being Jared Leto’s penis – whoever was responsible for hiding his candy for his role as a tranny in Dallas Buyer’s Club should have won an Oscar for special effects.

the size of things Among other surprising bits the data from the U.K.’s number one retailer of sex toys shows is that straight males buy more butt plugs than women do. The glass half full boys would assume that’s about practicing, the glass half empty that they are trying to protect themselves from an unwanted entry. It’s a lengthy article, but it contains many gems such as the fact that the company sells enough lube in a year to replace all the water used in the average four-person family home for two months. And that guys whether straight or gay are into big penises. But then you already knew that.

Five Seconds of nudity Not being a fan of boy bands, I still don’t have a clue who Five Seconds of Summer is although since it’s autumn their five seconds would be up if the members would ever quit flashing their members.

sweet asian guys This week’s NSFW Tumbler link is Sweet Asian Guys and ya can’t get much sweeter than that.

I'll have the eggplant pasta please Who knew eggplant could be so dangerous?

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